Concours de création de bijoux du groupe "Créer un Bijou est un Art"

Bienvenue sur le blog officiel des concours 2012 de création de bijoux organisés pour le groupe FB "Créer un Bijou est un Art" - Toutes les actualités sur les sponsors, les participants et les gagnants seront postés ici au fur et à mesure des évènements.

Welcome on the official blog of the Jewelry Making Contests organized for the FB Group "Créer un Bijou est un Art"- All the updates regarding the sponsors, participants and medal winners will be visible here.

mercredi 11 janvier 2012

2012 Contests General Conditions

General Conditions of the 2012 Contests
of "Créer un bijou est un Art"
hereinafter called "the organizer"

This is a series of 3 theme-related jewelry-making contests. The three contests will take place over a period of one year. A panel of professionals with various artistic backgrounds will select the winners. The contests are open to participants from the entire world.

The themes :
1st contest: Gods and Goddesses of all Horizons
February 1 to May 31, 2012 - submission of photos no later than April 30, 2012 at 24:00 GMT +1 (Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich, Milan ...)

2nd contest: the theme will be revealed in May

from June 1 to September 30, 2012 - submission of photos no later than August 31, 2012 at 24:00 GMT +1 (Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich, Milan ...)

3rd Cntest: the theme will be revealed in September

1 October 2012 to January 31, 2013 - submission of photos at the latest 31 December 2012 24:00 GMT +1 (Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich, Milan ...).

Each contest lasts four months. You have three months to make your creation and submit it before the deadline and the jury has one month to deliberate.

After the three contests, the 9 medallists of the 3 contests will be subject to a public choice, which will not be awarded a prize, but is merely honorary. This vote will take place from 1 February 2013 to February 28, 2013 at 24:00 GMT +1 (Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich, Milan ...).

Rule 1: Participation
Each participant must be a member of the "Créer un Bijou est un Art” (Creating Jewelry is an Art) on Facebook.
New members can also participate, but no additional time will be given for sending pictures of the creation.

Sending photos must be done via e-mail, in French or in English, to: and will be considered as your registration. The e-mail should not be sent later than the date and time indicated above. No exceptions will be made.

Only one design per participant per contest will be accepted - you can participate in each of the three contests.
Photos should bear your name. Example "JDoe1, and JDoe2, JDoe3".

You must write the following information in your e-mail:
  • the Deity/Person/Character who inspired you, and give a brief description of your interpretation, your 'vision' and maybe additional details of importance (maximum 500 characters);
  • the techniques and the main materials used;
  • your full name and full address; possibly your website or blog - your name and sites will be mentioned in the publications regarding your creation, but your physical address as your e-mail will be kept confidential. We just need your contact information to transmit these to the sponsors.
In addition, the creation MUST be photographed in progress. Please read Rule 3 for details regarding photography.

Rule 2: Creation
You can choose to make
  • a necklace, or
  • a bracelet, or
  • a belt
Each creation may be complemented by a pair of earrings (optional).
The creations MUST clearly be in accordance with the theme of the competition.
The creations can also be made 'for Men', please specify this when sending your photos.
The creations must be ORIGINAL work – copies of patterns or models taken from books, magazines or tutorials are not accepted. Only the basic techniques to make a new design can be submitted.

Rule 3: Photography
You must provide one (1) photography of your work "in progress" - this photo should be taken before you put everything together, or when approximately 50% of your work on the piece is done, and must be sent along with the pictures of your finished creation.
Warning: without this work "in progress" picture you can not participate.
It is allowed to submit two (2) photographs of the finished creation – one photo of the entire creation (mandatory) and a photo of a detail that you might consider particularly important (optional)

Requirements for the pictures:
  • sharp images with good contrast, well-lit but without too much reflection (north-exposure when the weather is sunny, with white background, give good results for true color) - blurry pictures will automatically be rejected;
  • size of the photo: 800 x 1000 pixels OR 1000 x 800 pixels, min. 300 dpi., Photos that do not correspond to this size will be rejected;
  • creation must be shown in full on a neutral background (without objects, flowers or other accessories)
  • A photo on a display is accepted as long as the display is completely neutral (white or black, without any distinctive sign). If you submit a photo on a display, remember that you have to send a photo of the creation in its entirety, without support, and therefore you can not send an additonal photo of a detail.
  • no photo of the piece worn
  • no photos enhanced or modified with a program such as Photoshop. You have the right to crop the image. In this case and only this one, you will be asked to send an additional photo : the one without cropping, along with the second, cropped. Note: sending a cropped photo without the original picture will be rejected.
  • no photo-montage
  • no logo
  • no name, or anything else that could identify you
Photos which do not meet the requirements listed above will be rejected without any communication or notice.

 It is strictly forbidden to share, show, or even post photos of your creations (or other/additional photos of the creations), whether on the Internet, or by any other means of publishing, sharing (WLM etc.) as it is also not allowed to wear, display or expose the creation itself in public or even private meetings before the end of each contest.

Would a participant not respect this rule, he/she will be disqualified, and this for the three competitions

Rule 4 – Grant of use of your images by the organizer
By entering the contests, you accept that the photos of the creations you submit will be used for publication on the Internet, on the Facebook group "Créer un bijou est un Art" and on the blog dedicated to the contest.
After the announcement of the winners, an album will be released, mentioning the name of each designer, unless you expressly state that you wish to have a a nickname or both your name and nickname published.

By participating in one or more of these competitions, you agree that your photos are used and published by the organizer without financial counterpart, nor other benefits in any form whatsoever.

Rule 5 Jury and criteria
For each competition, the creations will be judged on the following criteria:
  • compliance with the theme, portability;
  • originality, inventiveness, innovation;
  • technical quality of execution;
  • harmony of the entire piece, balance, form;
  • the way materials are used;
  • balance and use of colors;
You can use all kinds of material, the value of these will not influence the votes. You can use pearls, glass, plastic, wood, metal, bone, silver, bronze, copper, feathers, polymer clay, or gold and diamonds, the creations will stand on an equal footing because your ingenuity, the way you use and enhance the material, the interpretation of the theme and the quality of your work, as well as the portability of creation, take precedence over the cost of the material used.

The Jurors
The contests will be juried by an independent jury, all professionals in one or more artistic fields (not just designers or bead-specialists). We will soon present the jury to you.

Rule 6 Rewards
We will soon let you know the rewards that the sponsors generously offer to the winners, but can already promise that the prizes are wonderful.

The organizer will contact you to inform you if you are a medallist and will transmit to the sponsors the personal data you have provided.

Rule 7 Miscellaneous
Members of the organization allow themselves to participate (or not) "Hors Concours" to one or more themes, only for their own pleasure. Members of the Jury, administration of the Facebook page or the organization of the contest are not eligible to claim a prize in the contest.s


We are looking forward to seeing your incredible creations!

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